Truck driving license bonus

Pubblicato il

January 30th

The Government has allocated 25.3 million euros - for the period from 1 July 2022 to 31 December 2026 - for the so-called "licence bonus", i.e. the contribution to obtain a higher license for driving industrial vehicles and the Driver qualification. In detail, 3.7 million euros are allocated for the year 2022 and 5.4 million euros for each of the years from 2023 to 2026. The contribution will be equal to 80% of the expenditure incurred and in any case for an amount not exceeding 2,500 euros and can only be recognized once.

To request the contribution, the Ministry of Transport is preparing a special telematic platform which will be available from 6 February 2023 for driving schools who want to join the initiative and from 13 February for those who intend to request the bonus.

Here is the web address to reach the platform which will contain the request form, as well as information material. 


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