Artificial intelligence for customs reform

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Artificial intelligence could soon be the protagonist of customs work in Europe.

In fact, the European Commission has presented a series of proposals for the reform of the Customs Union which envisage the extensive use of AI. Among other innovations, the project of a new European authority, a single portal for companies and the revision of the rules on electronic commerce. On the other hand, the exemption from customs duties for parcels with goods with a value of less than 150 euros is eliminated.

The new measures will simplify "significantly the customs procedures for companies, in particular for the most reliable traders".

Under the proposals presented, the new European customs authority will be tasked with presiding over a European digital customs center which will serve as the engine of the new system. A single portal, therefore, for the presentation of customs information.

“The data center will replace the existing customs IT infrastructure in EU member states,” with estimated savings of €2 billion a year.

Businesses "will be able to register all information on products and supply chains in a single online environment: the new European Digital Customs Centre" which will collect the data provided by businesses and, through machine learning, provide authorities with a 360 view stages of supply chains and movement of goods.

According to the proposals, the digital center will be operational for e-commerce shipments from 2028 and will become mandatory from 2038.


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