Digitalization in the world of transport

Pubblicato il

April 19th

On April 17th, the Council of Ministers approved a bill ratifying the accession to the additional protocol on the E-CMR, the electronic waybill approved by the United Nations Convention concerning the contract for the international carriage of goods by road .

For Scortrans it is a really important step, in fact in the last two years we have dedicated great effort and resources to this project, experimenting pilots with the collaboration of technical partners such as @Accudire and @NovaSystems to move from theory to practice.

Our Sole Director @Manuel Scortegagna, Vice President of @Fedespedi, on several occasions, during various conferences organized on the subject, has spent himself to carry on this innovation that will revolutionize the world of transport. Switching from a paper CRM to an E-CRM will mean for our clients a faster and even more certified receipt of international transport documentation, in addition to this we will have the benefit of saving paper and faster times in transferring and archiving the document.

The paper CMR, to date, regulates various legal aspects relating to international road transport and, in particular, regulates the civil law relationships for international transport (including the rights and obligations of the parties, the liability of the sender and the vector). The Additional Protocol, aimed at legally facilitating the use of electronic waybills, does not change the substantive provisions already in force but provides an additional legal framework for the digitization of waybills, complementing the Convention to facilitate the optional completion of the waybill. vehicle through electronic data registration and management procedures.

Adherence to the Protocol is a necessary step for achieving the objective of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) relating to the simplification of logistical procedures and the digitization of documents. Furthermore, it falls within the framework of the implementation of Regulation (EU) No. 2020/1056, relating to electronic information on freight transport.



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